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First experience of project activities for freshmen


The Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy of the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the protection of projects in the framework of the “Presentation Projects - Creative, Amazing, Yours” competition, which was attended by first-year students of the World Economy profile.

In the global world, a professional economist cannot but be an internationalist, and an international economist must be a leader: follow the changes in the world, continually improve and be a bit ahead of everyone. Such is the requirement of the profession. This should be guided by the first professional discipline - “Introduction to the specialty”, which allows students to understand the features of future activities and understand that the scope of application of the competencies of the “World Economy” profile in modern conditions is extremely wide. Knowledge in the field of the world economy and skills in conducting foreign economic operations are certainly needed not only in large companies and organizations, but also wherever there is a place for business. Science, culture, and sports need to be supported by experts in the field of international activities - as soon as they reach the world stage in their development. Without international economists, it is impossible to imagine modern state structures of governance and regulation.

Within the framework of the “Introduction to the specialty” discipline, not only are the first ideas about the analysis of the development of the world economy, the study of world market conditions, new forms of foreign economic activity, but also the necessary general cultural and general professional competencies. The most effective method of their development is project work, the results of which were presented at the final session on the subject and were evaluated by the competition commission.

The project work in preparation for the “Presentation Projects - Creative, Amazing, Yours” competition was to develop students' image materials for the World Economy profile - booklets and emblems, as well as to prepare a presentation of the profile and a master class on conducting negotiations.

The moderator of the competition was the associate professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy N.V. Vorobyov. Presentation projects were evaluated and the teachers of the department acted as jury: Professor N.V. Bannikova, associate professors S.S. Serikov and S.S. Weizekhovskaya.

Students showed high activity and interest, mobility and motivation to achieve the goal, as well as the first skills of thinking outside the box and defending their point of view. Demonstrated creative projects were appreciated, and all the guys received sweet prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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