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A series of practice-oriented classes at the company «Teploset»


Within the framework of the cooperation of Stavropol State Agrarian University with a strategic partner - the company «Teploset», a series of field-oriented practice-oriented lessons for students of the electric power department took place. In the course of mastering the course "Heat Engineering" and "Hydraulics", third-year students of the areas of training "Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering" and "Agroengineering" studied boiler equipment operated by the company «Teploset».

More than 1,100 employees work in the company «Teploset», which serve 2 boiler houses with a capacity of over 100 Gcal/hour, 6 district boiler houses with a capacity of over 30 Gcal/hour, 33 block boiler houses with a capacity of up to 30 Gcal/hour, 32 low-capacity boiler houses and 228 kilometers of heating networks .

Interactive classes were conducted by Professor of the Department of Physics Khalyutkin V.A., Associate Professor Yanovsky A.A., Head of the Production and Technical Department of the company «Teploset» V.N. Avdeev and his deputy G.I. Masych.

Two large boiler houses located along Herzen Street and Pirogov Street served as the basis for the lessons. Students studied not only the device of a modern boiler room, pumps and water deaeration devices, the principles of operation of boilers, including the latest ones, controlled by electronic systems and controllers, but they also saw the process of installing modern automation tools and introducing new energy-saving technologies. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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