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Scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in a meeting on cooperation in the development of organic agriculture in the Stavropol territory


The event was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory. Opening remarks were made by: Velikdan Nikolai Timofeevich - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory and Sitnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich - Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Tregubov Alexander Nikolaevich reported on plans and prospects for the development of organic agriculture in the Stavropol Territory. The report presented statistical material on the dynamics of the development of organic agriculture on a global and Russian scale, and also set targets for the development of organic agriculture in the Stavropol Territory.

Olga Sycheva, Head of the Department of Agricultural Production Technology and Processing of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor spoke as speaker. She dwelled on the problems that are seen when organizing the production of organic livestock products, and presented a presentation on the experience of producing organic livestock products in the Netherlands. It is necessary to carefully study the world experience in the production of organic products, to develop scientifically based criteria for the quality of organic products produced according to the requirements of the relevant standards.

On the participation of scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the implementation of Federal Law No. 280 of 03.08.2018 "On organic products and on amendments to certain legislative acts" reported Vlasova Olga Ivanovna, Head of the Department of General Agriculture, Plant Growing and Breeding. Professor F.I. Bobrysheva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. She noted that today in Russia there are 70 certified organic agricultural producers. Of these, according to international standards - 53 farms, according to Russian - 17 farms.

Agricultural producers must be prepared for the fact that the transition to organic agriculture will lead to a long-term reduction in yields by 40-50% compared with the yield of crops grown in the traditional way, since the production of organic products must comply with the basic requirements: ban on the use of agrochemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, growth stimulants, GM foods, a ban on the use of hydroponic method of growing plants. In the fight against harmful objects used means of biological origin, as well as resistant to the harmful objects of varieties and hybrids.

Training on the program of advanced training "Organic Agriculture" from November 23 to November 25, 2018 on the basis of the Tatar Institute for Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel allowed scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University to study the experience of Tatarstan in the transition to organic production.

Scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University proposed a number of measures in the implementation of the Federal Law:

1. Creation on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University organ for certification of organic products;

2. Preparation of training programs for specialists of the agro-industrial complex, development of an information system specifically for the organic agriculture market;

3. Amendments to the curricula of all levels of preparation of students of the university with the inclusion of disciplines for the production, processing certification of products of organic agriculture;

4. Modernization of the training and production base for training specialists in the field of organic agriculture;

5. Creation on the basis of an educational and experimental farm a network of experiments on the study of the production technology of organic production of potatoes and vegetables. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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