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Activists of the Agrarian University celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Russian Union of Rural Youth


In Moscow, in the "Central House of Scientists" a festive event was held, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Russian Union of Rural Youth. An interactive exhibition of the Union’s achievements over the ten-year period, creative workshops and the anniversary book of the Russian Union of Rural Youth, where they could leave wishes to the Union, awaited guests and participants. Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University participated in the delegation of the Stavropol Territory in the anniversary events.

The team of the Stavropol Territory took part in a rich educational program, as well as in the historical competition "demonstration of folk costumes", telling guests about the centuries-old cultural development of the region.

The main part of the program was devoted to planning the stages of the project “Incubator of rural initiatives”, which was declared as the main one in 2019. Natalya Nikitina, expert of the Presidential Grants Foundation, moderator of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, held a strategic session on the project with the heads of the regional branches of the Russian Union of Rural Youth and representatives of rural settlements.

The objectives and tasks of the Russian Union of Rural Youth, the work of the organization at the federal and regional levels, the implementation of socially significant projects were discussed during the interactive sessions. Particular attention was paid to the establishment of communication within the organization, issues of attracting and receiving new members, opening new regional and local branches of the Russian Union of Rural Youth.

Also, for the activists of the Russian Union of Rural Youth, trainings were organized on team building and for the press secretaries of the departments - a master class on interaction with the media, management and development of social networks. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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