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Master class "Sommelier - wine card connoisseur"


Banquet manager and sommelier of the restaurant “Restime” Filimonova Daria, a graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University in 2016, the training course “Food from vegetable raw materials” conducted a master class on “Sommelier - wine card connoisseur” for 4-year students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

The wine list is the face of any restaurant, so it is very important to take care of its design. In drawing up the map it is necessary to take into account many factors that will be in harmony with the dishes served in the restaurant.

The wine list depends on many criteria: in particular, it is influenced by the style, orientation of the cuisine, the range of dishes and other features of the catering establishment concept. Quite often, the wine list includes not only wines, but also the entire range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that are offered in the restaurant.

Daria pointed out the requirements for the compilation of the wine list, told the presentation technique of wine drinks in the restaurant and highlighted the basic principles of connecting wines and dishes. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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