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The poultry community of Agrarian University presented its work at an international conference


On December 12, the 3rd Annual International Conference “Modern Poultry Farming. New items Trends. Technologies”, organized by EGMART (Moscow). This company supplies hatching eggs of chickens, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowls, geese, about 20 breeds and crosses from the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Poland, Canada, Bulgaria, Italy and Holland. The conference was attended by representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The conference was attended by guests from 5 countries and 15 regions of Russia. The live broadcast of the event through the YouTube channel was watched by over two hundred people.

From Stavropol State Agrarian University, the conference was attended by: Professor of the Department of Private Zootechny, Animal Breeding and Breeding, Elena Epimakhova, graduate students - Maria Barsukova, Margarita Kolesnikova, Alina Gorbacheva, Olga Gadasov and students who constantly conduct experiments with poultry.

Murat Umalatov - General Director of EGMART, Pavlushevsky Arthur - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, representative of the companies “Cuddy Farms” (Canada), “Panda” made presentations on the state of the breeding products market in the poultry industry, on the aspects of egg incubation, feed and veterinary poultry programs. Hawa (Poland), BioPoint East (Republic of Belarus), René Christian - Chief Technologist of Best-Opava (Czech Republic), Tipsina Natalia Anatolievna, Chief Technologist of SimBio Group of Companies (Yekaterinburg) and Innovad-Global dealer (Belgium), Vran Andrei Valdemarovich - Director of LLC "Agrokorservice plus" (Stavropol).

Elena Epimakhova presented a presentation on the topic “Scientific and practical rationale for the implementation at an optimal level of the productive potential of poultry during the incubation of eggs.” Barsukova Maria reported on the technological reception for organic breeding of poultry on the basis of dissertation experiments.

The issues under discussion caused an active discussion among the participants. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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