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The contribution of the Stavropol State Agrarian University to the “Bank of ideas for small and medium-sized businesses”


Teachers and students of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on December 15 took part in the forum “Bank of ideas for small and medium business”, which was held in the “Business Accelerator” of Stavropol.

As part of the forum, the teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy Telnova Natalya Nikolaevna, Tenishchev Alexander Vladimirovich, Pupynina Elena Georgievna and students of the Faculty of Economics participated in discussion platforms and master classes on the specialization of ideas with the participation of professional experts and practitioners from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Stavropol.

The event was organized by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in the Stavropol Territory with the assistance of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory. The director of the nonprofit organization FPPSK, Viktori Maksimenko, made a welcoming speech.

Among the forum’s speakers were public figures, politicians, theater actors, acting entrepreneurs. The first block of the event consisted of discussions on the topics: “How to find a creative idea for business and scale up business throughout Russia”, “Effective leader - productive subordinates”, “How to properly operate a business and get pleasure from it” and a master class “Effective speaker - successful business".

In the second block, a business quest for professionals and beginners on business scaling was presented, in which students from 1st and 4th courses of the Economics of Enterprises and Organizations took an active part. Kovalevskaya Alina, Podlesnaya Yuliya, Shabalina Tatyana, Loginova Yana, Degtyarev Anton and Degtyarev Artem . Participants, applying the method of active learning aimed at the development of skills and abilities, received an answer to the question: How can a small business be transferred to big rails?

At the end of the business quest, students were presented with certificates and valuable gifts. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  21

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