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Demonstration examination of competence “Network and system administration” according to WorldSkills standards


On December 11-13, the Department of Information Systems of the Stavropol State Agrarian University held a demonstration exam on WorldSkills Russia standards in the competence of "Network and System Administration". This event was held in a specialized certified center. The WorldSkills Demonstration Exam is a form of intermediate certification of students in the undergraduate degree program "Information Systems and Technologies". Certification provides for the availability of skills and abilities to deploy enterprise infrastructure and basic services, using various operating systems to demonstrate graduates of professional skills in accordance with international requirements. The demonstration exam was conducted with the aim of carrying out an independent assessment of the fulfillment of exam tasks, including experts from the information sphere and educational organizations of the region. The experts participating in the demo exam are accredited experts who have the right to evaluate the demonstration exam on the standards of Voldskills Russia.From the expert community were:- Dymchenko Ivan Pavlovich, teacher of SBPEE "Stavropol Regional Diversified College";- Savchenko Evgeny Pavlovich, teacher of the Branch of the RTU "MIREA".- Kustarnikov Ivan Andreevich, Deputy Director for Technical Issues of the Museum and Exhibition Complex “Russia is my story”.As the main expert, Alexey Topilsky, a certified expert of the Union of the Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers, Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia), attended the demo exam.During the demo exam, participants were evaluated using two modules:Module A - Basic Linux Setup;Module B - Basic Windows Setup.The total time for completing the task is 5 hours.Participants during the demonstration exam showed skills:- develop and deploy an integrated information infrastructure of enterprises, including workstations, servers and network equipment;- Deploy basic services, including directory services, backup, mail and other application services;- use a wide range of operating systems and server software;- effectively organize secure connections of enterprise networks, Internet access and other networks;- install and configure wireless network devices, switches, routers and information security tools;- organize the protection of information from unauthorized access;- install, configure and maintain virtual environments;- carry out search and troubleshooting of information systems and networks.

Дата новости для фото:  17.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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