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Open lecture for agronomists


For students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of the direction "Agronomy" of the training profiles "Agronomy", "Horticulture" and "Plant Protection" an open lecture was held on the subject "Agrochemistry" on the topic: "Technical and technological support for the work on the calculation of doses and mineral fertilizers in the system of traditional and precision farming. " The lecture was held by Viktor Ivanovich Radchenko - Director for Production Issues of LLC StavropolAgroSoyuz, a graduate of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the Agronomy direction of our university, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

From 2015, Viktor Ivanovich decided to associate his professional activities with production, and from the position of agronomist of the brigade of JSC “Rodina” of the Shpakovsky district reached the director of production issues of the holding.

LLC "StavropolAgroSoyuz" is one of the largest associations of agricultural enterprises in the Stavropol Territory. The total land area is more than 100 thousand hectares. Group enterprises are located in 5 administrative districts of the Stavropol Territory. More than 2,000 professionals in their field work as a cohesive team of like-minded people to develop agriculture and increase the attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex.

The main areas of activity are crop and livestock. These enterprises grow more than 10 types of crops with high quality indicators. The active restoration and development of irrigated land opens up additional production possibilities and is the basis for the successful development of vegetable production. Every year not only modernization is carried out, but also the technopark of farms is updated. Much attention is paid to the quality of agricultural land. An important line of business is animal husbandry. Dairy production can partially smooth out the seasonal specifics of the industry, and the successful development of pedigree horse breeding provides access to the international level.

Cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural equipment, fertilizers, chemical protection of plants, seeds, provides an opportunity to constantly maintain not only a high level of crop yields, but also to achieve excellent quality indicators of agricultural products produced.

At a lecture, Viktor Ivanovich told students about the correctness of the calculation of doses and the application of mineral fertilizers in the system of traditional and precision farming, about the differentiated application of mineral fertilizers.

Scientific and creative cooperation of the department with the production is supported by the contract and performed contractual and research work. So, for 2016-2017 In the structure of the agroholding, an agrochemical survey was conducted on an area of ​​more than 40 thousand hectares and more than 1.5 million contractual funds were attracted; in 2018, production experience was laid on the territory of JSC Kolos together with the Institute of Space Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences to study the economic efficiency precision farming technology. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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