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CS: GO eSports discipline tournament


The CS: GO discipline tournament based on the Cyber ​​Cave computer club took place. Students from Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in it.

For the average citizen, eSports is uncharted territory. He is unaware that the competition in team computer games collect entire stadiums of loyal fans.

This new sport conquers all large areas. Having originated in the USA, recently cyber-tournaments are rapidly developing in Russia.

At the national level, regional e-sports competitions, student and school leagues are held.

The tournament in Stavropol was held in several stages: the draw, then the game between the teams, followed by the awarding of participants.

3rd place

• Artyom Klymenko - 1 course, Faculty of secondary vocational education;

• Daniel Bagrintsev - 1 course, Faculty of secondary vocational education;

• Ali Ataev - 1 course, Faculty of secondary vocational education;

• Alexander Eronin - 2nd year, Faculty of Economics;

• Dmitry Kurdyukov - 1 course, Faculty of secondary vocational education.

2nd place

• Daniel Kovtun - 3 course, Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources;

• Nikita Volchenkov - 1 course, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

• Artyom Okhromenko - 1 course, Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources;

• Alexey Elkin - 1 course, Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources;

• Danil Beztalanny - 1 course, Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources.

1 place

• Maxim Kovalenko - 1 course, Faculty of Economics;

• Alim Kukayev - 1 course, Faculty of secondary vocational education;

• Maxim Bogomolov - 3 course, Faculty of Economics;

• Arslan Aliyev - 3 course, Faculty of Economics;

• Denis Maslikov - 1 course, Accounting and Finance Faculty. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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