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Advanced training in the field of fruit growing


Associate Professor at the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Plant Raw Materials of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Aisanov T. S. took part in the work of the International School of Modern Horticulture, organized by the team of LLC"Fruit Unification Gardens of Stavropol".

The first stage of the training, out of seven planned, passed on December 19. The opening seminar was dedicated to the topic: “Theoretical and practical aspects of intensive gardening”.

The lesson consisted of two stages: the theoretical part was held on the basis of the largest nursery farm of the Stavropol Territory LLC “Fruit Association of Stavropol Gardens”, where the audience was addressed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the enterprise and one of the initiators of the creation of this school Shirinov A.Sh. Among the speakers were: the founder of the consulting company "EB Frut Projects BV" Eric Beitenhayz, and the director of one of the largest gardening enterprises in Russia "Garden Giant Ingushetia" Balkizov Z.Kh.

The theoretical part dealt with the issues of choosing a land plot for laying a garden, the requirements of fruit crops to the soil, the quality of irrigation water, the main types of modern gardens, the quality of planting material to be chosen, and other components of the garden planting project. Upon completion of the practical part, students were awarded certificates of the first stage of training. The subsequent stages will be held in different seasons of the year, where it is planned to consider the rest of the complex of measures for the effective cultivation of modern types of gardens.

The practical part of the seminar was held on the basis of a new young intensive garden LLC "Gardens of Karachay-Cherkessia". There, the students were shown examples of laying gardens on a classical support in the form of a trellis and the experience of managing garden bookmarks using bamboo as a support. At a field lesson, a fruit grower consultant from the Netherlands, Baitenheis E., told the audience about the modern types of garden designs used in the leading fruit-growing countries of Europe. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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