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Participation in the meeting of the Commission for the creation of specially protected natural territories of regional significance


Associate professors of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction of Stavropol State Agrarian University Okrut Svetlana Vasilyevna and Stepanenko Elena Evgenievna took part in the meeting of the commission to consider proposals for the creation of specially protected natural areas of regional significance.

The event was held at the base of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Stavropol Territory under the leadership of Deputy Minister Igor G. Trautvain. In accordance with the Decision Making Procedure for the Establishment of Specially Protected Natural Territories of Regional Value in Stavropol Territory, the meeting considered the proposal of the initiative public community of the residents of the village of Poluzhny, Izobilnensky urban district, to create the state natural reserve “Kluzhny”.

The following substantiated the need to create protected areas: Tolstikova Nadezhda Ivanovna as a representative of the initiative community group of residents of Podluzhnoe, head of Podluzhnensky Village Council Sergey V. Kovalenko, deputy head of the administration for agricultural, environmental protection, food and processing industry and trade in Izobilnensky urban district Yury Timofeevich Galkov, director of the secondary vocational school “Secondary school No. 9” IGSK village Podluzhny Kubrina Tatyana Fedorovna, historical patriotic club "STAVR" (Podluzhny settlement), the Russian regional society, noting that the territory is unique in its species composition of vegetation, which includes up to 70 species, among which there are species in the Red Book, rare and endangered species of Stavropol. The “Gold” and “Silver” springs located on the territory under consideration are the only source of drinking water supply for Krasnaya Balka farm, which makes the introduction of protection standards necessary in order to preserve these sources of clean water.

During the meeting of the commission a lively discussion took place, members of the commission expressed their opinions and made constructive suggestions.

Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University S.V. Okrut, E.E. Stepanenko made a proposal to support the initiative of a community group of residents of the village Podluzhnoe of Izobilnensky urban district, given the unique nature of the springs, flora, and fauna of the territory in question.

In general, the commission noted that the first step to making a decision on the creation of specially protected natural territories of regional significance has been made. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  19

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