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International Scientific and Practical Conference in the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy


Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Prof. V.I. Tulpanov of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Tskhovrebov Valeriy Sergeevich, Assistant Professors Lysenko Vera Yaroslavovna and Kalugin Dmitry Vasilyevich took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Methods for Improving Soil Fertility and Efficiency of Fertilizer", held in Gorki (Republic of Belarus) on the basis of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

From December 18 to December 20, 2018, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Methods of increasing soil fertility and fertilizer efficiency” was held in the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, dedicated to the memory of Dr. of Agricultural sciences, professor, former head of the department of soil science of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Anna Ivanovna Gorbyleva, doctor of biol. Sci., Professor, Former Head of the Department of Agrochemistry of Nizhegodskaya State Agricultural Academy, Yury Pavlovich Sirotin, and Doctor of Biol. Sci., Professor, Former Head of the Department of Soil Science, Stavropol State Agricultural Academy, Vadim Ivanovich Tyulpanov, which took place in Gorki, Republic of Belarus.

The Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture is the oldest and largest multidisciplinary higher education institution of the agrarian direction among the CIS and European countries.

In 1836, the Russian government decided to establish an agricultural school in the town of Gorki, Orsha district, Mogilyov gubernia.

Gorygorets Agricultural School was opened on August 15 (27), 1840. Students received higher agronomic education. Here they prepared agronomists and managers for state and private estates.

Later, in 1848, the school was transformed into the Gorygorets Agricultural Institute - the first higher agricultural educational institution in Russia.

The conference was organized by the Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy and Stavropol State Agrarian University. The conference program included plenary and breakout sessions, as well as a cultural program.

The main sections of the conference:

1. Modern problems and trends in the development of agronomical science.

2. Protection and rational use of soil cover. Soil Fertility Management.

3. General questions of agrochemistry and problems of optimization of plant nutrition.

4. Modern problems of environmental protection and environmental management.

5. Organizational and legal aspects of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex.

According to the results of the conference, a collection of articles will be published with placement in the scientific electronic library Elibrary.ru and registration in the RSCI database (Russian Science Citation Index).

Stavropol Agrarian University was represented at the plenary meeting by the head of the department of soil science named after Prof. V.I. Tulipov doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Tskhovrebov Valery Sergeevich. He presented a report on the topic: "The life and career of Professor V.I. Tyulpanov." In his report, the author described the work of Vadim Ivanovich Tulpanov at the Department of Soil Science and its formation as a scientist. Vadim Ivanovich left behind him scientific postulates for understanding the basics of genetic soil science.

At the sectional meeting “Protection and rational use of soil cover. Management of soil fertility” there was presented the report of the head of the department of soil science named after Prof. V.I. Tulipov doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Tskhovrebov Valeriy Sergeevich on the theme "The main problems of soil fertility of Stavropol Territory." Associate Professor Lysenko Vera Yaroslavovna made a presentation “The influence of the anthropogenic factor on the dynamics of the content of mobile phosphorus in the black soil of the southern Central Ciscaucasia”. Associate Professor of the Department Kalugin Dmitry Vasilievich made a report on the theme “The influence of the remineralization of leached chernozem on the content of mobile phosphorus”.

The conference was attended by scientists from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Poland. In the cultural program there was the opening of a memorial plaque dedicated to the memory of the scientist-teacher, laureate of D.N. Pryanishnikov Award, Academician of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the BSSR, A. Gorbyleva (Educational Building No. 3); visit to the museum UO BSAA; excursion to the campus and excursion to the botanical garden. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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