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Accounting marathon at the Agrarian University


On December 21, 2018, the teachers of the Financial Accounting Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University conducted the Accounting Marathon, which was attended by 6 teams representing bachelors of the 3rd year of study of the Economics course in Accounting, Analysis and Audit.

In the marathon participated:

1. "Kids accounting" (captain - Manafov Ruslan);

2. "Accounting bees" (captain - Svetlana Nekhorosheva);

3. "Fashion entries" (captain - Kondaurova Alexander);

4. "The Wonderful Bugs" (captain - Nesnova Elizaveta);

5. "Assets" (captain - Tokareva Victoria);

6. “Special accounting unit” (captain - Yastrubenko Yana).

In addition to presenting their professional “business card”, each team showed its own individual style in the competition of captains, demonstrated erudition in the field of accounting in the competition “Own game”. The participants were very creative in preparing their homework.

The results of the competition were evaluated by the jury members:

1. Baida Tamara Petrovna - Ph.D., associate professor, veteran of the department - chairman of the jury;

2. Yana Nikonova - undergraduate of the master's program "Accounting, analysis and audit"; Fellow of the Government of the Russian Federation; winner of the Russian national award "Student of the Year 2018" in the nomination "Social activist of the year";3. Tsiselskaya Julia - bachelor of 4 course of the profile “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, accountant of the Private Security Company “Phoenix” of the city of Stavropol;

4. Agafonova Nelly - Master student of the master's program "Management Accounting and Controlling".

As a result, the winning teams were determined, who were awarded commemorative diplomas and sweet gifts.

The accounting marathon turned out to be fascinating, fun, informative and once again proved that accounting is a very interesting, multifaceted science, which allows you to gain knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct business in market conditions with minimal business risk. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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