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Round table on countering and preventing corruption


Teachers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" and students of the accounting and finance department of Stavropol State University attended a round table on countering and preventing corruption. The event was held in the Ministry of Finance of Stavropol Territory with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the tax service, the Government of the region, the newspaper Stavropol Truth.

The main purpose of the meeting is the formation of students' anti-corruption outlook.

During the round table, the main achievements of the controlling bodies in the field of supervision over the execution of the budget for 2018 were noted. Thanks to the successful introduction of modern technologies and the rapid pace of digitalization of the economy, Stavropol Territory is on the 13th place in terms of openness among other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, having improved its position since last year by more than 20 positions. One of the main reasons for such high rates was the implementation of the Open Budget Project of Stavropol Territory, which provides all budget information and statistics online. During the discussion of topical issues in the fight against corruption, special attention was paid to the ethical and moral character of the staff of the ministry and other supervisory bodies.

Head of the civil service and personnel department of the Ministry of Finance Galina Pitsenko told about anti-corruption measures used in the ministry.

The speaker recalled that, in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, publicity and openness of the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies are included in the basic principles of countering corruption. To implement these principles, the regional Ministry of Finance conducts an open information policy, actively interacting with the regional media. Public hearings on the draft regional law “On the budget of Stavropol Territory”, in which the widest sections of the population participate, are held annually.

Pitsenko G.V. also said that in order to increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures, the Ministry organizes seminars and meetings with the main managers of budget funds in Stavropol Territory, and the Ministry of Finance specialists themselves undergo advanced training on the topics “The complex of the most effective anti-corruption measures used in the executive branch” and “The system of ethical principles and norms of professional ethics of public civil servants".

In 2018, inspecting bodies detected budget violations in the amount of 400 million rubles, while sanctions and fines in the amount of more than 800 thousand rubles were imposed on violators. The most common violation is a violation of the federal law on public procurement and the procedure for their conduct. The modern electronic document management system is based on publicity and openness, promoting an atmosphere of total intolerance towards corruption.

During the event, students were able to familiarize themselves with the scope of disclosure of corruption crimes, learn the basic concepts and terms of corruption, which should be undertaken in the event of bribery.

Дата новости для фото:  26.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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