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Students of the Agrarian University congratulated the pupils of the sponsored orphanage on New Year


Students and teachers of the accounting and financial faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University on December 27, 2018 congratulated the pupils of the sponsored orphanage of the State Educational Institution of Stavropol Specialized Children's Home of the city of Stavropol on the upcoming New Year of 2019.

Very soon the kindest and joyful holiday will come - the New Year! At this time it is customary to make gifts, bringing joy to their families and friends! Unfortunately, next to us there are children who are deprived of a family celebration - these are orphans, pupils of orphanages, boarding schools, orphanages.

Students and teachers of the accounting and financial faculty on the eve of the New Year organized and conducted a charity event "Meet the New Year Together" in Stavropol specialized children's home for children with organic lesions of the central nervous system, with mental disorders.

Pupils of the orphanage showed a theatrical performance for their friends. The students visited groups where they communicated with each other with interest and played. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  14

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