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Spiritual Security Issues Discussed at Agrarian University


At Stavropol State Agrarian University there took place a unique conversation of Archpriest Grigoriy Igorevich Grigoriev, who is a doctor of theology, doctor of medical sciences, professor, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, psychiatrist, narcologist, psychotherapist, and university students.

Grigory Igorevich - Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Human Philosophy, Head of the Department of Psychology of the Russian Christian Academy of Humanities, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Theory of Education of the Church-wide Postgraduate and Doctoral School named after Saints Cyril and Methodius, professor of the church and practical department of St. Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy.

The conversation was opened by the teacher of Stavropol Orthodox Theological Seminary, Archpriest Nikolai Nikolayevich Chemodanov, who introduced the guest who visited the university.

Students of all faculties met Archpriest Grigory Grigoriev with great interest. They talked about consciousness, faith and points of support in modern life. The fascinating conversation reached its goal - all the guys listened with interest and special attention to Archpriest Grigoriy Grigoriev and asked their questions. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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