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Postgraduate in economics - the winner of the international scientific competition


Second-year postgraduate Samvel Vyacheslavovich Osipyan (Master's program - “Economic and legal support of business”) under the guidance of Ph.D., associate professor of economic theory and economics of the agro-industrial complex Rybasova Yulia Viktorovna, became the winner of the IV International intellectual competition of students and postgraduates "UNIVERSITY STARS - 2018".

From November 25, 2018 to January 10, 2019 the international competition "University Stars - 2018" took place. It was attended by students of nearly three hundred higher educational institutions from more than 15 countries of the world. The aim of the competition is to develop the activity and creative abilities of students and postgraduates, increase interest in vocational training, provide opportunities for self-expression, contribute to the achievement of the optimal level of educational results and the conditions for their achievement.

The international competition is held on the following educational steps:

0 level - secondary vocational education;

I level - Bachelor degree, specialty;

II level - Master degree;

III level - postgraduate school, residency, adjuncture;

IV level - doctorate.

The global criterion for evaluating personal works is their compliance with the requirements of the standards of vocational education at the appropriate level.

The competition includes 4 nominations (practical, research, informational and creative projects).

Each of the nominations includes 19 areas of competitive projects, more than 20 forms of their implementation.

The results are summed up in the individual championship, and also the ratings of educational institutions (ТОР-10) are formed.

On December 25, 2018, the final expert evaluation of the contest works was carried out, according to the results of which second-year undergraduate Samvel Vyacheslavovich Osipyan was declared the winner in the field of "Economics" in the nomination "Research Project", which proposed the initial hypothesis and test it using research methods .

Besides, the Stavropol State Agrarian University entered the "TOP-10" of higher educational institutions participating in the competition.

Кроме того, Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет вошел в «ТОП-10» высших учебных заведений, принимающих участие в конкурсе.

According to the results of the competition, a collection of entries is published, which is posted: in the State Depository of Electronic Publications, Google Books, LitRes, in the Depositary of Electronic Publications, in the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  8

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