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Meeting of students with the director of LLC "Kartfond"


At the Department of Land Management and Cadastre of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the Stavropol State Agrarian University there was a meeting of 4th year students of the training direction “Land Management and Cadastre” with the director of the LLC “Kartfond” Prikhodko Roman Aleksandrovich.

Roman Alexandrovich highlighted the main methods and approaches of work in geographic information programs and their use in the development of territorial planning schemes as well as master plans and the creation of geographic information systems in the field of gasification on the example of ArcGIS.

The director of the “Cartfond” presented the introduction of the developed schemes and plans into the documentation of territorial planning, and their transfer to the administration of the Mineralovodsk urban district. Also, as part of working with commercial organizations, the organization developed documentation for the rational distribution of the KFC fast food chain for the city of Stavropol, which reflected information on the favorable location, population size and main institutions in the area of the planned construction of the restaurant.

In addition, Roman Alexandrovich shared with the audience that, as part of the work with PJSC Gazprom Stavropol, a structure of a single geo-information system was created, providing:

- Getting quality cartographic material;

- A combination of all types of maps (space and aerial photographs);

- Centralized management of spatial data, etc. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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