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The present and the future of organic poultry farming


On January 17, 2019 Director of LLC “Agrokormservis Plus” Vran A.V., technical and commercial representative of “Hubbard” (France) Sukhanov A.V. and Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals at the Stavropol State Agrarian University Epimakhova E.E. conducted an assessment of the parent flock of meat and egg chickens crosses "DOMINANT CZ" at the start of the breeding season in 2019 in the branch "Pyatigorsky".

Autosex chickens of these crosses have already gained popularity among the population in 2018. In addition, to expand the range of young stock with slowly growing color broilers in 2020, at the meeting there was a discussion of technical and technological capabilities of the company for the maintenance of the parental herd of meat chickens from the HUBBARD PREMIUM cross. Thus, in the current and next year in our region there will be breeding material adapted for the requirements of organic poultry farming and the Foodnet market. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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