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"Those guys" are in the second round of the international festival "KiViN-2019"


From January 12 to 25, the annual International festival “KiViN-2019” is held in the city of Sochi. This year it is the anniversary! For the thirtieth time Sochi meets the KVN participants from all over the country and abroad. More than 650 teams were registered for the first round of selection. The team "Those guys" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were among the participants of the festival, thanks to the victory in the Caucasian League of KVN.

Viewing teams takes place in two stages. The first one ended on January 17, according to the results of which the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University passed to the second round of the 30th international festival of KVN teams "KiViN-2019"!

The second stage will take place on January 19-20. And on January 24, the organizers will announce the participants of the television leagues of the International Union of KVN.

Congratulations to the guys on their successful passage to the second round and wish them success in the upcoming performance! 

Дата новости для фото:  18.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  11

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