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"Tatiana's Day" in the State Agrarian University - traditionally bright and outstanding event


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University today celebrate their holiday - the Day of Russian Students. On this occasion, before the entrance to the main building of the university, a real student festivities took place: a rich creative program, Tatiana's defile, a parade of self-made sleds, culinary farms with a presentation of student dishes, display of hand-painted mugs, and much more.

The event was hosted by Nikolay Golovin, chairman of the primary trade union organization of students at the SSAU and the head of the Center for Aesthetic Education of the University, Ivan Maklakov.

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, the Rector of the SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, opened the festive program, congratulating all the children and performing several lines of the main student hymn "Gaudeamus".

“The demand for graduates of our university has always been and remains very high, both among Stavropol enterprises and far beyond the region’s borders,” Vladimir Ivanovich noted. - But it is gratifying that the majority of our students associate their future with their native land. They see the prospects for the development of the Stavropol region and the realization of their plans and healthy ambitions in it. That is why we have always supported and will in every way support talented young people, those who successfully manifest themselves in their studies and scientific research, social activities and creative self-realization, in sports and volunteer movements.

It's nice that university graduates, being even at the highest positions, remember and honor their alma mater. Thus, Olga Timofeeva, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics, deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, became a guest of students at the Agrarian University.

- I wish you never to lose your young enthusiasm, energy and acumen! To be demanded and competent experts. Do not be afraid to step on our heels, believe in your strength! You are the people who go forward and move our country to the best! - Olga Viktorovna congratulated the future agrarians.

Dmitry Sergeevich Donetsky, Assistant Governor of the Stavropol Territory, Director of the North-Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk" was also present at the student celebration.

For Tatyana, the University held a playful quiz and fashion show, awarding each medal with the Best Tatyana State Agrarian University.

At the parade of the sleigh, the faculties of the university presented home-made vehicles: a chariot, a tractor, a luggage cart for student absentees, a team with huskies and much more. Having driven on a sleigh to the faculty's farmsteads, the rector and guests were treated to the delights of student cooking.

Afterwards, a symbolic procedure was carried out for cutting off “tails” for students whose success in the winter session turned out to be not very large and there were debts on tests or exams. The rector personally “sweetened” the records of the lagging students so that in the future their studies would be easy and with high results.

And at the end of the holiday, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, Olga Viktorovna Timofeyeva and Dmitry Sergeevich Donetsky treated all the participants of the event with hot mulled wine for student songs performed by the vocal group Provence.

At parting, the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University wished everyone a positive attitude not only for the rest of the day, but also for the whole year ahead, and good luck at city competitions in honor of the Students' Day at the Victory Park ice rink.

- For six years we have become the winners of a city holiday! I see no reason not to confirm the title of the best students for the seventh time! - Vladimir Ivanovich addressed the guys. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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