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Congratulations of the Russian Federation Minister of Agriculture D.N. Patrushev with a Student’s Day!


Congratulations to all students, teachers and employees of higher educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture with the Student’s Day!

Today, when the Russian agro-industrial complex is faced with the task of making a qualitative technological breakthrough, it is essential to increase production volumes and increase the efficiency of agribusiness, the staff of agriculture is more important than ever. It is up to you to successfully implement the agrarian policy of the state in the coming years, to achieve ambitious goals of digitalization, increase the productivity of agricultural enterprises, develop infrastructure, increase the volume of agricultural exports and other areas.

Agricultural education in Russia has deep roots and traditions. Graduates of agricultural universities were the largest government and scientific figures of our country who made a significant contribution to its development and welfare. And today, specialized educational institutions annually produce thousands of talented specialists occupying key positions in the system of agricultural production.

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture pays special attention to the support of both sponsored universities and young professionals who come to work in the agro-industrial complex. Housing, social infrastructure facilities are being built, conditions are being created everywhere to improve the quality of life of people in small towns. Already this year, a state program for the development of rural territories will be adopted, which will make it possible to focus even more on this task.

I am confident that faculty and student groups of educational institutions are aware of their involvement in the current and planned changes in agriculture, the creation of a highly efficient agro-industrial complex. Our common task is to attract talented and initiative guys to the village, who in the near future will be able to strengthen the leading positions of our country in the international arena.

I sincerely wish you all creative work and successful study! 

Дата новости для фото:  25.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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