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Strategic partner of the Agrarian University congratulated university students


At the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Professor Yu.M. Sklyarova, associate professor L.A. Latysheva, associate professor T.V. Skrebtsova and senior lecturer S.Yu. Shamrina together with the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of Sberbank was organized an event dedicated to the Day of Russian Students.

According to a good tradition, on January 25, 2019, on the Day of Russian Students, employees of PJSC Sberbank congratulated students of the accounting and financial faculty. I wish you strength of mind, health, stability and well-being, said Alexey Sergeevich Chvanov, the manager of the Stavropol branch of PJSC Sberbank, in his welcoming speech.

Representatives of the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 - expert of the staff recruitment and adaptation department Babenko Daria Mikhailovna, specialist in direct sales Grebenshchikova Daria Andreyevna manager of external distribution Grigorieva Evgenia Anatolyevna, expert in marketing and communications Litovka Irina Vasilyevna gave students memorable souvenirs with symbols of the country's leading bank and books from the collection "Sberbank Library."

The Sberbank Library is a unique collection of the latest business literature from the world's leading authors. It includes books on leadership, personal development and emotional intelligence, building a team and working with clients, best management practices, modern technologies.

Sberbank has become an excellent base for the practical improvement of the skills of both students and faculty. Annually, advanced training programs are implemented on the basis of the Corporate University of the Bank, trainings and workshops that strengthen the links between the theoretical and practical training of future specialists in the financial and banking sphere. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  15

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