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Agrarian university has been granted the observer -partner status of national union of producers and consumers of organic products


According to the results of research, developmental and technological works in 2018 on the theme “Development of a regional model of organic livestock and poultry farming for the production of raw materials and the creation of food with specified quality parameters” (headed by Professor Epimakhova E.E.) Agrarian University was awarded the honorary status of an observer partner of the National Union of Producers and Consumers of Organic Products.

The modern food market demonstrates the active development of the organic crop and livestock sector, due to a number of reasons. Of them: perceived danger to the health of the population of industrial products with a high density of livestock of animals, with various kinds of synthetic additives in feed; distrust of GMOs; negative attitude to traditional products due to animal diseases; a comprehensive information company for the promotion of organic products and others.

The volume of the organic market in Russia today is € 160 million; prospects are € 5-10 billion. Export of organic products is now less than € 1 million and it is predicted that in the future this figure will be € 5-10 billion.

For state regulation of this sector of the economy, the Federal Law “On Organic Products and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” No. 280-FL dated 03.08.2018 was developed.

Due to the implementation in 2018 of research, developmental and technological works to meet the state needs of the Stavropol Territory on the theme “Development of a regional model of organic livestock and poultry farming for the production of raw materials and the creation of food with the specified quality parameters” E.), Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded the honorary status of an observer partner of the “National Union of Producers and Consumers of Organic Products”.

The Union was established in 2013 by the group of companies: Agranta, Azbuka Vkusa, OOO ARIVERA, OOO Agrarian System Technologies, Organic Corporation. The purpose of the Union is to assist the formation and sustainable development of the national market for organic products in Russia. It is not a legislative branch, but already connects producers with the state, with the consumer and other market participants. In observer status as a partner, the university has the right to participate in the activities of the Union, use business information results of the activities of the Union, and participate in projects / programs, events and promotions of the Union. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.01.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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