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Learning Marketing by project method in “Blended Learning” format


In January 2019, online training of students of the Faculty of Economics of Stavropol State Agrarian University on “Open Education” platform in the Blended Learning format, organized jointly with the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), was completed.

During the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year, students of the areas of study “Trade” and “Economics” studied the lecture course “Marketing” at HSE under the guidance of Associate Professors of the Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro industrial complex department Yulia Viktorovna Rybasova and Agalarova Ekaterina Grigorievna.

After familiarizing themselves with the basic course devoted to the study of basic concepts, modern marketing concepts, marketing research methods, market segmentation and selection of the target audience, proper promotion of goods and services, students consolidated lecture material during practical exercises, during the online exam, and also in preparation and defense of projects to promote new products on the market of Stavropol.

Currently, the use of project methods in training is becoming more common. Practice shows that the skills acquired independently in the course of exploratory research, most effectively consolidate theoretical material. Students participating in project work increase self-motivation for further study and professional growth, and their projects clearly demonstrate the high efficiency of this method.

The presented projects allowed, once again, evaluating the place of marketing in the economic system of the organization. Their presentation took place in the form of a business game “Territory of effective marketing: development of a marketing strategy.” In the process of preparing projects, the participants were supposed to highlight the following questions:

- justification of the marketing idea;

- conducting market research and market segmentation;

- formation of the marketing strategy of the product;

- development of a marketing mix;

- assessment of the economic efficiency of the proposed activities.

All participants demonstrated deep marketing knowledge, ability to put them into practice, teamwork skills and creative abilities. The assignment was assessed according to four criteria: professional literacy, presentability, creativity and realism.

The following people acted as members of the jury of the business game: Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor of the Economic Theory and Economics of the agroindustrial complex department Galina Victorovna Tokareva, Associate Professors of the Economic Theory and Economics of the agroindustrial complex department Yulia Viktorovna Rybasova and Ekaterina Grigoryevna Agalarova, and senior students of the Economics Ryzhenko Stanislav and Kovalevskaya Alina, finalist of the project “WorldSkills Russia”in the competence of “Entrepreneurship”.

At the end of the game, all participants of the event were unanimous in their opinion that the winner should be the project “Coffee & Goody” prepared by a team of students of the direction “Trade” consisting of Shvetsova Anastasia, Esenieva Karina, Khachukova Milana and Verdyan Lydia.

Conducting such events helps to improve the quality of training future bachelors, the development of creative abilities of students, as well as the identification of creatively gifted young people and the formation of human resources for production, administrative and business activities in the region. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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