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A joint meeting of the Academic Council


On February 5, a joint meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture on the agenda of which the question of the results of the research work of the Faculties for 2018 and prospects for the development of innovative activity in 2019 was considered.

The Academic Council of the Faculties was attended by the Vice-Rector for Science of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Morozov Vitaly Yuryevich and the Director of the Institute of Additional Education, Professor Lisova Olga Mikhailovna.

The meeting was opened by the Academic Council Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor Esaulko Alexander Nikolaevich.

On the main issue on the agenda of the Academic Council, Deputy Dean for Science of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Associate Professor Bezgina Yulia Alexandrovna spoke.

During the report Bezgina Yu.A., in terms of departments and faculties, highlighted the publication activity of the staff of the two faculties and the volume of funds raised through the implementation of contractual activities and the execution of government contracts.

The issue of training was very acute in the report. The result of the work in the field of the defense of candidate dissertations are 3 defenses of candidate works, and the provided plan of defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations of post-graduate students and applicants of faculties until 2021 will strengthen the staff of the faculties.

Students of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources took an active part in research activities and won a large number of awards. Among the achievements of students, one can separately mention the victories in the forum “Mashuk”, in the competition for the best work among students and graduate students of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Co-reporters of Bezgina Yu.A were heads of the departments, Doctors of Science, Professor Tskhovrebov V.S., Shutko A.P., Vlasov O.I., Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors Sigida M.S., Romanenko E.S., Loshakov A.V., Okrut S.A. In their presentations, they highlighted the results of the work of the departments for 2018 and noted the weak points in the work of the departments and outlined growth points for 2019.

In the final speech, the Dean of the Faculties, Professor Esaulko Alexander Nikolaevich noted the problems and ways of solving them in the field of research activities for the coming period.

In his speech, Vice-Rector for Science, Professor Morozov Vitaly Yuryevich thanked the teams of the two faculties for the results of work in 2018 and wished further systematic development in the coming year.

Director of the Institute of Additional Education, Professor Lisova Olga Mikhailovna spoke about the results of the work of the Faculties in conducting Additional Education courses and called for more work to create online courses for conducting distance learning.

The faculty faces a number of tasks that need to be addressed in the near future.

Дата новости для фото:  08.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  14

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