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Information and practical webinar "Science of the young - the innovative development of agricultural production"


On February 8, 2019, an informational and practical webinar "Science of the Young - Innovative Development of Agrarian Production" was held, dedicated on the Day of Russian Science.

The video conference "Science of the Young - Innovative Development of Agrarian Production", organized on the initiative of the Saratov State Agrarian University, was attended by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education (Moscow); Penza, Kazan, Ulyanovsk State Agrarian Universities; Izhevsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Chuvash state agricultural academies; Perm State Agrarian-Technological University, as well as Federal State Scientific Institution “Rossorgo” (Saratov).

The Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Association of Agrarian Universities of Russia “Agroformation”, Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich addressed the participants with a welcoming word:

- “The Day of Russian Science on February 8 was established by the Decree of the President of Russia No. 717 of June 7, 1999 “On the Establishment of the Day of Russian Science”.

This holiday is timed to the date of foundation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, established at the behest of Emperor Peter I by the decree of the governing Senate of January 28 (February 8, new style) of 1724.

Science and scientific research are the foundation of our university. This is a matter of our life, pride and solid theoretical support in the practical educational process of the university.

On February 7, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin presented 2018 science and innovation prizes for young scientists. For the first time in its history, prizes were awarded for scientific achievements in the field of agriculture.

Ekaterina Grizanova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Biological Plant Protection and Biotechnology of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University under the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, became the winner of the award.

The work of the laureate “The role of key virulence factors of entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis in the development of the infectious process in insect pests of agriculture” won the competition for young scientists to receive grants from the Russian Science Foundation as part of the Presidential program of research projects.

Ekaterina Grizanova's research is devoted to the topic of resistance of insect pests to bacteria in order to create new complex biological products for agriculture and forestry that are safe for the environment, reduce the pesticide load on agricultural land and make it possible to produce ecologically clean agricultural products.

By tradition, all the award winners received not only diplomas, but also a monetary reward - two and a half million rubles.

The annual prize, established in 2008, is awarded to young scientists and specialists for the tenth time. The laureates are awarded for a significant contribution to the development of national science, the development of samples of new equipment and technologies aimed at purely innovative development of the economy and social sphere, as well as strengthening the country's defense capability.

Our university also has something to be proud of and something to show the scientific community.

Research and development are carried out by teams of 43 scientific schools and areas within 8 branches of science and cover 56 complex topics. Postgraduate training is carried out through postgraduate and doctoral studies in 11 fields of study, in 35 postgraduate specialties and 8 doctoral specialties. There are 4 doctoral councils in biological, veterinary, agricultural, technical and economic sciences.

Domestic agriculture needs a young elite capable of technological breakthroughs and advances in science. A worthy scientific shift is growing up at the Agrarian University, promising ideas of which always find support both at the alma mater and at the all-Russian level. ”

Vladimir Ivanovich wished all participants of the videoconference broad scientific horizons, dedication, creative insights and success in scientific research, innovative approaches for the development of the agro-industrial complex of our country, discoveries of the world level and the highest achievements for the benefit of the Fatherland!

The moderator of the event was the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the Saratov State Agrarian University Vorotnikov Igor Leonidovich. He reported on "The results of research and innovation activities of the university and the priorities for improving its efficiency."

The program of the videoconference also included reports from representatives of the Council of Young Scientists of Agrarian Universities:

- Svirezhev Kirill Andreevich “On the work of the All-Russian Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Agrarian Educational and Scientific Institutions in 2018 and Plan for 2019”;

- Bobryshev Alexey Nikolaevich “Participation of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the project“ Universities as centers of innovation creation space ”;

- Vasily Voldemarovich Neufeld “The role of the Council of Young Scientists of the Saratov State Agrarian University in the development of the long-term motivation of young scientists”;

- Tyulnev Alexander Vladimirovich “Monitoring the activities of young scientists and specialists of the FSBEI HE Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy”;

- Zdoroveva Elena Valerievna "Achievements of young scientists of Penza SAU;

- Elena Makarova “Activities of the Council of Young Scientists of the Samara State Agrarian University in 2018. Plans and prospects ";

- Nadezhda Danilova "On the activities of the Council of Young Scientists of the Chuvash State Agricultural Academy in 2018";

- Kashfullin Arthur Minnakhmatovich "Prospects for the interaction of Perm Agrarian and Technological University with the Union of Young Scientists in Perm Krai";

- Ryabova Tatyana Nikolaevna "Directions of scientific research of young scientists of Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy”;

- Tamimdarov Bulat Faridovich “Organization of the Union of Young Scientists in Kazan State Archive of the Supreme Council of Labor”;

- Pashinin Nikolai Sergeevich "The use of 3D technologies for scientific and educational purposes."

Among the issues of the webinar for discussion were: priority areas of research for young scientists, cooperation of scientific schools between universities; problems of preparing applications for contests and grants for young scientists; experience in preparing applications and participation in grants for young scientists; increasing publication activity of young scientists.

Having approved the format of the event, the participants of the videoconference exchanged information with interest, outlined ways of cooperation in the field of interaction between the Councils of young scientists of agricultural universities, agreed to hold joint scientific and technical conferences, exhibitions and forums. According to the results of the videoconference, a resolution was adopted. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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