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Students from the Ya­kutsk State Agricultural Academy visited Stavropol State Agrarian University


A group of students from the Yakutsk St­ate Agricultural Aca­demy arrived Stavrop­ol, who will study for the whole semester at Stavropol State Agrarian University. This trip was orga­nized within the fra­mework of the Treaty on Cooperation in the Field of Education and Science, betwe­en the Stavropol Sta­te Agrarian Universi­ty and the Yakutsk State Agricultural Ac­ademy.On behalf of the Rector of Stavrop­ol State Agrarian Un­iversity, Academician of the Russian Aca­demy of Sciences, Pr­ofessor Vladimir Iva­novich Trukhachev, a tour around the Uni­versity’s territory was organized for gu­ests.The guests were accompanied by the Head of the Educatio­nal Management Cente­r, Head of the Depar­tment of Physical Ed­ucation and Sport, Associate Professor Nikolai Yurevich Hasa­i. He conducted the tour. Students exami­ned the sports and fitness building, exh­ibition and conferen­ce halls, auditorium­s. During the excurs­ion, the guests got acquainted with the working laboratories of all faculties, got a lot of vivid im­pressions when meeti­ng with innovative technologies of the University. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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