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Training for the most ambitious and enterprising students "Your business from scratch"


The Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Chair of Entrepreneurship and World Economy within the framework of the development of strategic partnership organized a training for students “Your own business from scratch”.

For participation in the training, the best students of several departments who have already shown their talents and skills in "WorldSkills Russia" in terms of the “Entrepreneurship” competence, as well as in other competitions, and the students who are interested in organizing their own business were selected.

A skilled business consultant from Krasnodar, Zakhar Yakunin worked with students. During the training, the most active participants were selected, prospective market niches were searched, step-by-step actions were justified, and the first necessary measures were taken.

Twelve participants in the training who received certificates, the students of the Departments of Economics, Power Engineering, Service and Tourism, acquired unique knowledge, developed their skills and acquired very useful skills. But not only this is an important result of two-day work. Zakhar Yakunin usually selects a group of 5 people based on the results of the training for further support in the field of business development. However, in our University, in the process of work, there was such a friendly and efficient team that the coach left in the group for further consultation all of our potential entrepreneurs. One of the important strategic conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the long term is its promotion. Therefore, our guest also held a master class for students of the secondary vocational education department, schoolchildren. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  16

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