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Undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the online webinars of the Association of Agrarian Universities of the Central Federal District


From February 13 to 14, students, undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of the Departments of Veterinary Medicine and of Technology Management in the framework of events held by the Association of Agrarian Universities of the Central Federal District, participated in the online webinars. The main goal of the webinars was to improve the technique of autopsy for the diagnosis of diseases of pork livestock. As part of the work, there was an exchange of developments by leading experts in various branches of knowledge on veterinary problems. Students, graduate students and practitioners got acquainted with advanced technologies in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal diseases.The following topics were discussed: “Improvement of the pathoanatomical diagnosis of diseases of pigs”.

Lecturer: Viktor Viktorovich Evert - Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences, Technical Specialist in Pig Breeding at Zoetis.· “Innovative technologies and global trends in the prevention and treatment of horses”. Lecturer: Milomir Kovach - Doctor of Veterinary Science, a renowned international specialist in equine diseases, author of several textbooks, chief physician, surgeon at the veterinary clinic of the KSK “New Century” (Moscow).· “Innovative technologies and global trends in the prevention and treatment of hooves in cattle and small livestock of various etiologies”. Lecturers: Timofeev A.Yu., Kovalevich A.V., Vlasov D.N., veterinary specialists in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of productive animals in the field of orthopedics. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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