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At the Department of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a meeting was held with the company Sanovita


At the Department of Agrobiology and Land Resources a meeting was held with the strategic partners of the SSAU, the company Sanovita. The main focus of the company is greening agriculture, the transition to organic farming and highly efficient animal husbandry.

Not so long ago, Sanovita began working in the Russian market, offering farmers innovative biological products and biotechnologies from German manufacturers of organic and mineral additives, fertilizers, adsorbents and other environmentally friendly and healthy products.

During the meeting, a round table was held devoted to conducting joint research on the use of preparative forms of “Sanovita” on the basis of a training and experimental farm at Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The discussion was attended by the Dean of the Department of Agrobiology and Land Resources and the Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Yesaulko, students of the Department, Executive Director of Sanovita - Martin Nezenon (Germany), Director of Sanovita-Rus - Igor Lebedev, Representative of Vitaminerly LLC - Oksana Shumskaya, Representative of Sanovita in the South of Russia - Ksenia Koltaevskaya.

The Director of Sanovita, Martin Nezenon, gave an open lecture to students on the topic: “The Effect of Mineral Fertilizers and Bio-Preparations of Sanovita on Crops in Different Soil and Climatic Conditions”.

The students learned about the influence of mineral fertilizers and bio-preparations on the yield and product quality of vegetable, fruit and industrial crops in various European climatic conditions. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  16

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