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Refresher courses on the program "Monitoring system for sowing winter crops for detecting diseases" were held on the base of Stavropol State Agrarian University


In the framework of networking, the organizers of advanced training courses were the following: the Institute of Additional Professional Education in the SSAU together with the Branch of the Rosselkhoz-Center of Federal State Budgetary Institution in the Stavropol Territory.

Refresher courses "System of monitoring crops of winter crops for the identification of diseases" were collected at one site by agronomists of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory. The program of work was developed and implemented by teachers of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of SSAU.

The main diseases of winter grain crops, the biological features of pathogen development and harmfulness, plant immunity and disease resistance of varieties were introduced to the audience: Head of the Department of Plant Chemistry and Plant Protection, Department of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ph.D., Associate Professor Anna Petrovna Shutko, Associate Professor Lyudmila Vasilievna Tuturzhans.

Employees of the Rosselkhoz Center attended the classes: Deputy Head of the Branch Olga Viktorovna Kuznetsova and Chief Agronomist Tatyana Ivanovna Savchenko. They presented the following topics: “Monitoring of diseases of winter grain crops in the field conditions. Determination of the distribution and extent of damage to plants. Analysis of seed contamination of winter crops with phytopathogens for the harvest of 2019”and “Monitoring of the main pests in winter crops”.

Elena Alekseevna Batagova, Head of the Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution for the Testing and Protection of Plant Breeding Achievements in the Stavropol Territory, also spoke to experts on new promising varieties of winter wheat and barley (in the agroclimatic zones of the region).

Upon completion of the curriculum, participants in the advanced training were presented with certificates of attendance. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  12

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