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Student Sports Club of Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winner again!


On the basis of the fitness complex “Rus” in Stavropol, the annual competition “Ah, well, guys” was held! In the team competition, the team of the SSAU "Kolos" took the first place.

On the eve of the Defender's Day in Stavropol, the competition " Ah, well, guys!" was held. More than 200 students from 20 educational institutions of the city took part in the competition.

The teams competed in the overall and individual standings. Participants measured their strengths in different disciplines: arm wrestling, weight training, automatic weapon assembly, tilting on a gymnasium and rope war.

The Kolos team from Stavropol State Agrarian University confidently won the victory.

In addition, students showed high personal achievements.

· Elizaveta Yulyugina - I place “Standing long jump”;

· Diana Sheshkil - I place “Shuttle run 3 × 10 meters”;

· Valery Pashchenko - I place "Lifting weights";

· Ruben Manukyan - I place “Forward bend from a standing position”;

· Mikhail Aznavoryan - II place " Chinups ;

· Veronika Serikova - II place "Forward bend from a standing position";

· Valery Ilyichev - II place “Standing long jump”;

· Alexander Klimenko - III place "Push-ups ";

· Magomed Tagirov - III place "Raising the body from a supine position."

The main prize for our students was the invitation to the military camp “School of Survival” on the basis of the military-industrial complex “Russian Knights”. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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