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A lecturer from the SSAU took part in the meeting of the agrochemical center "Stavropolsky"


Head of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tulpanov, professor Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov spoke at the meeting “Features of the formation of the winter grain harvest of 2019. Recommendations for the maintenance work on the winter field. Conducting the first nitrogen fertilizer.”

The meeting was attended by over 100 representatives of agricultural enterprises and other organizations, including employees of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Territory, the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of administrations of municipal districts of the region, leaders and specialists of agricultural organizations, farms, scientific organizations, federal institutions, companies (fertilizer suppliers).

An introductory speech was made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory - Andrey Yuryevich Oleynikov.

Further presentations were made by:

1. "Dynamics of the state of winter grain crops in 2019" - Fyodor Vladimirovich Eroshenko - Head of the Department of Plant Physiology of the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

2. "Agrochemical provision of the harvest in 2019" - Vasily Pavlovich Egorov - Acting Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Agrochemical Service State Center “Stavropolsky”.

3. "Weather forecast and moisture availability for the spring period of 2019" - Verevkina Svetlana Ivanovna - Head of the Department of Agrometeorology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Stavropol Regional Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring."

4. "Features of the early spring feeding of winter wheat in various soil and climatic conditions of the Stavropol Territory" - Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov - Head of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tulipova of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor.

5. “Phytosanitary condition of winter grain crops in the current year” - Vyacheslav Viktorovich Drydiger - Acting Head of the branch of the Russian Agricultural Center in the Stavropol Territory.

6. “Nitrogen as one of the main nutrients. Methods for the effective use of early spring nitrogen fertilizer "- Eduard Sagat-Gereevich Eseneev - Agronomist of the LLC EuroChemTreyding Rus.

7. “Provision of Stavropol agrarians with mineral fertilizers” - Alexander Sergeevich Kochkin - Commercial Director of the LLC PhosAgro-Stavropol.

8. "Organizational and methodological basis of product conformity assessment" - Galina Apollonovna Chabanova - head of the certification department.

In his report, Professor Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov noted that for the successful implementation of early-spring fertilization of winter wheat it is necessary to know: condition of winter culture and the presence of a secondary root system; nitrogen content (nitrate and ammonium) in the layer 0-20 and 20-40 cm; the content of mobile phosphorus; mobile sulfur content; stock of productive moisture in the meter layer; varietal composition of winter wheat. Information should be on each field, because differences within the economy can be very significant.

The author pointed out that in the spring period for the top dressing of winter wheat it is most expedient to conduct tests for the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in the soil. The difference in these indicators on the territory of one farm can be very significant. The limiting factor may be low content of mobile phosphorus. In some cases, nitrogen fertilizers may not be applied due to the high nitrogen content in the soil.

The same speaker noted that it is necessary to have information on the placement of nitrate nitrogen on the soil profile. The most active zone for winter wheat is 0-40 cm. From the bottom of the meter zone, nitrogen may be available for winter wheat by the middle or end of the growing season. Its low content in the arable horizon indicates the need for feeding.

Attention was drawn to the fact that the introduction of nitrogenous sulfur-containing fertilizers should be carried out under varieties capable of producing a strong and valuable grain of winter wheat, but not under the fillers.

In conclusion, Tskhovrebov V.S. spoke about the services associated with field and laboratory soil studies provided by the soil monitoring laboratory of the Department of Soil Science and agrochemical analysis laboratory of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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