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Master class "Active sales: the algorithm of a successful transaction" for students of accounting and financial faculty


Within the framework of the additional educational program “Technology for assessing and analyzing the creditworthiness of agricultural producers: theory and practice”, a master class was organized for students of the accounting and finance faculty. The work was carried out by the Head of the Small and Medium Business Client Relations Department of the Stavropol Regional Branch of JSC “Rosselkhozbank” Natalya Aleksandrovna Shchedrina, together with the lecturers of the Department of Financial Management and Banking.

Today it is believed that active sales are the most effective way to attract customers and increase turnover. This is not surprising, because this technology can be used to market any goods and services. Currently, sales include the search for new uncovered niches and sales segments, and work with clients, and logistics operations.

Natalia Aleksandrovna Shchedrina emphasized that active sales involve identifying the needs of the buyer, forming an individual offer that can satisfy them, as well as a targeted influence on their choice. And, of course, do not forget that the result of sales depends largely on the personal qualities of the manager: communication skills, charm, ability to make contact. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.02.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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