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Students of SSAU implemented the educational project "Growth Steps"


Activists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University conducted an educational project "Growth Steps" for schoolchildren and students of professional educational organizations of the city Svetlograd. It is aimed at the acquisition of new competencies by children who receive secondary and secondary special education.

At the opening of the event, the deputy head of the Petrovsky district administration, Elena Ivanovna Sergeeva, made a welcoming speech; she wished the participants productive work and expressed gratitude to the organizers.

7 master classes were held in the program:

· Maria Tkachenko - “Delicious Instagram from scratch”

· Anastasia Kutsaeva - “Creative thinking”

· Nikita Vlaskin - “Oratory: Know oratory - succeed in life”

· Nikolai Umnov - “The brain is everything!”

· Viktor Kononov - “Organization of events from A to Z”

· Irina Karagodina - “Team building”

· Victoria Eremina - "The formula for solving the conflict."

During the master classes, the guys learned how to convey their thoughts to a large audience of listeners, how to think outside the box and develop intelligence, how to recruit many subscribers in social networks, how to assemble a team and organize a large-scale event.

At the end of the event, 20 of the most active participants were awarded, as well as the winners of the social media competition “My Steps by Growth Steps”. For this, the guys received nice gifts with the symbols of the SSAU. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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