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Presentation of the new information platform "The constitutional legal forum" at the economic department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


The active work is being carried out to widely attract students and faculty members to use of the new information platform "The constitutional legal forum" in the educational process and research activities in SSAU. The presentation was attended by about 200 students, as well as the faculty of the Faculty of Economics.

In her opening remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina praised this creative project and expressed confidence that the introduction of such modern information technologies in the educational process will be further developed at the Faculty of Economics.

Doctor of Law, Professor Viktor Alekseevich Cherepanov, conducting a presentation of the Constitutional-Legal Forum, stressed that engaging students in publicly discussing projects posted on the new site would allow for learning by participating in both the current issues of the Russian state and society, and looking for possible solutions. What fundamentally changes the whole educational process: from simple memorization and reproduction of educational material - to real participation in solving practical problems arising in the life of our society.

The 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics, Maxim Kaberda, who spoke at the presentation, noted the undoubted importance of such information technologies. He proposed to organize, on the basis of projects hosted at the Forum, a round table on the discussion of actual problems of electoral reform with the broad involvement of the scientific community and students of various higher educational institutions of our country. This proposal received the support of all those present. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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