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Activists of the student pedagogical detachment of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Dream" chose Mr. and Miss


In the youth urban space "Loft" passed the contest Mr. and Miss "Dream", among the candidates for the fighters of the Student Pedagogical Group. The test was attended by 4 couples who answered questions, showed sharpness and surprised everyone with creativity and extravagance.

The contest of intelligence and beauty gathered the members of all student groups of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the same platform. Mr. and Miss “Dream” are the best representatives of the squadron, the boys and girls who showed themselves the brightest of all.

Participants were waited by different competitions, and court of strict jury. The judges included:

- First ex-commander of the “Dream” squad Ekaterina Sokolskaya

- the second ex-commander of the “Dream” squad Marina Sarieva

- Maxim Anuprienko, Commissar of the Agrariy student teams headquarters

- commander of the student unit "Aibolit", the second vice-mister of student teams of the North Caucasus Federal District and Southern Federal District 2018 Victor Samoilenko

- Mr. Plastika Stavropol GAU 2019, fighter of the “Dream” detachment Nikolai Umnov.

After hard competitions and heated debates, the jury came to a decision.

“Mr. and Miss Intellect” - Elena Zimze and Vladimir Katenev;

“Mr. and Miss Creativity” - Elena Gorodnichaya and Dmitry Marchenko;

“Mr. and Miss Artistry” - Elizaveta Yulyugina and Nikolay Meshechko;

“Miss Grace and Mr. Elegance” - Marina Solodovnikova and Nikita Mescheryakov.

The main prize and the title of Mr. and Miss "Dream" deservedly and unanimously won a pair of Elena Zimze and Vladimir Katenev! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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