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Exit practice-oriented lesson for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University in an intensive type garden


In order to increase the level of training of specialists in the field of horticulture, associate professor of the department of production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials Timur Aisanov organized the participation of students in the on-site practical seminar "Fruit garden pruning techniques to increase the yield and quality of fruit production."

At the seminar, organized by the state institution "Stavropolvinogradplodoprom", on the basis of the most modern fruit-growing economy of the Stavropol Territory OOO "Niva S", located in a. Donskoy Trunovskogo area, attended by both novice farmers and agronomists of large fruit-growing farms. The event was opened by the deputy director of the Stavropolvinogradplodoprom GKU Lysenko A.S., who welcomed the participants of the seminar and wished everyone productive work.

The seminar opened Erin A.S. - The most experienced agronomist-fruit grower, who spoke about the basic principles of pruning fruit trees, showed the audience the types of apple fruit formations and explained the need for annual pruning of trees in an intensive type garden. The practical part of the seminar included master classes on winter pruning of an intensive garden of pome crops of the main agronomist Niva S OOO Mutushkina O.A. and the director of the FSBNU "Stavropol Experimental Station on Horticulture of the North Caucasus Zonal Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture" Ermolenko VG

During the seminar, participants were given the opportunity to practice their own hands in pruning trellis-type gardens and trees in a garden of a supporting structure.

Students with great interest took part in the seminar, during the whole event asked their questions. As a result of attending this seminar, students had the opportunity in practice to improve their knowledge gained during training in the classroom.

The introduction of practice-oriented forms of student learning in the educational process contributes to an increase in the level of training of specialists in the agricultural sector. Conducting field practical training on the basis of advanced enterprises of the Stavropol Territory and neighboring regions is often used by our teachers. Getting students practical skills in various competencies is accompanied by the simultaneous familiarization of employers with our students and contributes to an increase in the level of employment of graduates. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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