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Lecturer of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the XXII Agroindustrial Forum of the South of Russia


Head of the Department of Soil Science. V.I. Tulpanova, Professor Valery Tskhovrebov spoke at the XXII Agroindustrial Forum of the South of Russia, which was held in Rostov-on-Don at the Don Expocentre.

The XXII Agroindustrial Forum of the South of Russia included the exhibition “Interagromash”, which included 67 enterprises, Agrotechnologies, where 56 organizations presented their products, as well as business events united in the Agrarian Congress. For three days of work, the forum was visited by 9,100 people. Rostselmash, Altair, Inagrotech, Agroservice, Tekhmash and others presented their expositions at the largest stands of the Agricultural Forum of the South of Russia. The exhibition was attended by the largest universities of the Rostov region and adjacent territories.

On the first day, the opening ceremony of the XXII Agro-Industrial Forum took place, in which the first deputy governor of the Rostov region Viktor Goncharov, the deputy chairman of the legislative assembly of the Rostov region Vyacheslav Vasilenko, the general director of Altair company Vladimir Boldin and the general director of Donexpocenter Sergey Shamshur took part. After the completion of the official part, they made a round of exhibitions and got acquainted with the stands of the participants. Within the Agrarian Congress, several conferences were held at which speakers presented reports on innovations in the field of agriculture, prospects for the development of this industry and touched upon various nuances of legislation in this area, including the newly adopted law on seed production.

On the first day, an inter-regional strategic forum "Yield and Price Prospects of Russia" was held at the "XXII Agro-Industrial Forum of the South of Russia". At the session of this event the head of the department of soil science named after V.I. Tulipova, Professor Valery Tskhovrebov. They were presented with the report “Strategic planning - How to fill the barrel of Liebig?!”. In his speech, the author noted the features of the spring nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat. Also at the beginning of the report, Liebig's Tub was described as a model of the law of minimum factors for plant life. The author noted that for the successful implementation of early-spring dressing of winter wheat, it is necessary to know: the state of the winter crop and the presence of the secondary root system, the nitrogen content (nitrate and ammonium) in the 0-20 and 20-40 cm layer; the content of mobile phosphorus; mobile sulfur content; stock of productive moisture in the meter layer; varietal composition of winter wheat. Information should be on each field, because differences within the economy can be very significant.

On the second day of work, a meeting of the Agroznatok Club of the Peasantin Publishing House on the topic “Cost Optimization: Modern Technologies for Agriculture” was held. The first speaker was Biryukov Vladimir Alexandrovich, the deputy general director of the ATC “KolHoz” with the theme of the report “Modern technologies for reducing costs and risks. Optimization of the cost of crop production ". Then Professor Valery Tskhovrebov presented a report on the topic “The presence of mineral substances and trace elements in the soil: what agrochemical examinations show and how to balance the system”. The author pointed out that in the spring period under top dressing of winter wheat it is most expedient to conduct tests for the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in the soil. The difference in these indicators on the territory of one farm can be very significant. The limiting factor may be low content of mobile phosphorus. In some cases, nitrogen fertilizers may not be applied due to the high nitrogen content in the soil. Also, services related to field and laboratory studies of soils were provided by the laboratories of the “soil monitoring” department of soil science and “agrochemical analysis” of the department of agrochemistry of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Dubinin, head of the agromarketing department of the Marketing Directorate of PhosAgro-Region OOO, also spoke at the meeting: “PhosAgro Innovations in the field of technologies for increasing yield and quality. ZhKU ". Sergey Viktorovich Mityaev, head of KFH (Salsky district, Rostov region): “The experience of soil rehabilitation and work with biological products — what is the benefit of farmers?”; Sergey Aristov, Business Development Manager, Syngenta LLC: “Financial and digital solutions in agriculture are a modern approach”; Arkady Nikolayevich Orlov, director of regional sales of Agromig LLC: “Agrarian investment in a grain dryer pays off in the very first year”; Roman Antonov, Head of KFH (Rossoshansky District, Voronezh Region): "What cultures pass through our dryer Experience of use, economic effect." 

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  8

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