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Students of the Accounting and Financial Faculty took part in the III competition of professional skills in insurance


The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the 3rd Professional Insurance Competition for insurance among students of the 3rd and 4th courses of the accounting and finance department. The competition was organized by the Finance, Credit and Insurance Department together with the branch of IC Rosgosstrakh in the Stavropol Territory.

The objectives of the Competition, which acquired the status of a permanent student research event at the SSAU, were: providing students with the opportunity to creatively apply knowledge in the insurance unit disciplines; improvement of methodological approaches to the professional training of bachelors in the direction of "Economics".

The organizers have set challenging tasks for the participants. In addition to theoretical knowledge, "the contestants" had to demonstrate practical skills, the ability to navigate in unusual situations. The goal is to earn the maximum number of points in order to get recommendations for an internship at the largest Russian insurance company.

Competition competitions took place in two stages. There was excitement in the audience, and on the faces of the students there was a great desire to win. There were, of course, tears due to failures, and joyful moments.

The first round was held in the form of testing in the field of insurance and legal knowledge (test tasks are determined on the basis of the material being studied in accordance with the state educational standards of the Russian Federation).

The second round had a practical orientation and consisted in the performance of various tasks by the contestants, allowing to evaluate both the individual level of their training and the teamwork in general, including the practical skills of future specialists. This stage was held with the participation of representatives of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh - leading business coaches - Svidina Marina Evgenievna and Samakayeva Adele Barievna.

Projects were evaluated by a competent jury, wich included:

- Olga Nikolayevna Soboleva, Head of the Corporate Sales Department of the branch of Rossgosstrakh in the Stavropol Territory

- Leading specialist of the office sales department of the Stavropol branch of SOGAZ JSC Kolesnikova Elena Gennadyevna;

- Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, Ph.D., Associate Professor Uglitsky Olga Nikolaevna;

- Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tomilina Elena Petrovna;

- Assistant of the department "Finance, credit and insurance business" Abrekova Amina Magomedovna

According to the results of the competitive tasks, the teams took the following prizes.

The students of the graduation course became the leaders (the “Finance and Credit” profile) - the team “Insurers” - composed of Vladimir Avakyan, Lyudmila Astakhova, Viktoria Kovgan, Madiina Temirbulatova and Yalina Albina.

In the “Strategic Approach” nomination, the best were the members of the “Charm” team (3rd year students of the 6th group of the accounting and finance department, Finance and Credit profile).

The winner in the nomination “Underwriting Approach” was won by the team “Exxon” consisting of 4th year students of the 4th group of accounting and finance department, a profile of “Finance and Credit”.

The nomination "Creativity" was awarded to the team "Insurance Rescuers" (3rd year students of the 5th group of the accounting and financial faculty, profile "Finance and Credit").

The nominees in the individual competition were:

- Mesropyan Emma (nomination "The best captain of the team");

- Tsakulov Dmitry, Vshivkov Michael (nomination "Intellectual");

- Murzina Anastasia (nomination “Expert in the basics of insurance”).

Diploma for leadership qualities received Avakyan Vladimir.

Representatives of the Rosgosstrakh and SOGAZ insurance companies were present at the award ceremony for the best insurers of the accounting and finance department. They congratulated the guys on the successful performance, spoke about the possibilities of practical application of insurance knowledge, within the framework of the Student Insurance Agency functioning at the University and subsequent employment, wished not to stop there and invited them for an interview to the branch of Rosgosstrakh in the Stavropol region.

Winners and prize-winners received diplomas and gifts from the Rosgosstrakh company. All participants of the Competition received memorable souvenirs.

Representatives of the business community assisting in the preparation of the Contest were awarded letters of thanks.

We sincerely congratulate all the winners, prize-winners and participants of the III Professional Skills Competition with the achieved results. We express our gratitude to the teachers for preparing students-financiers to participate in the Competition. We wish you all success in the development of new educational horizons!

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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