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Open lecture as part of additional education courses for students of the Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty


In the framework of additional education courses "Resource-saving technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops" for students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources, the direction of "Agronomy" was held an open lecture "The results of research of cultivation of crops using the technology without tillage (No-till) in the conditions of the Stavropol Territory"

The system of zero tillage is used in agriculture for the gentle tillage. With the help of it, the soil is not processed, but is covered with mulch, which helps prevent erosion. It is based on the complete abandonment of plowing: in fact, the English name “No-till” means “not to plow”. The main principle of the system is the use of natural processes that occur in the soil. The no-till concept is that traditional plow processing is harmful to natural loosening. After all, the plowed field is two meters deep and permeated with capillaries left over from annual plants and as a result of the vital activity of various organisms that are destroyed by mechanical effects.

The open lecture was delivered by the Head of the Department of Agricultural Cultivation Technologies at the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Roman Stukalov.

In his presentation, the lecturer presented materials of scientific research in the field of application of technology without tillage in various soil and climatic zones of the Stavropol Territory. Questions of the advantages and disadvantages of this technology among students have aroused great interest.

After the lecture, all students who wished to complete additional education courses on the topic "Resource-saving technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops" were awarded certificates. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  13

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