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The results of the I wave of the All-Russian Competition of theses, term papers and abstracts “Horizons of Science” were summed up.


The competition was organized by the Interregional Public Organization Academy for the Development of Project Activities in Education” (Moscow).

In the nomination “The best course work (project)”, the students of the 3rd year of the Accounting and Finance Department of the Accounting, Analysis and Audit profile, who presented their term papers on the subject “Accounting Financial Accounting” (headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department “Financial Accounting” Kulish Natalia Valentinovna) won the contest.

Diploma of II degree: Orekhova Vera (the theme of the work: “The accounting policy of the organization for accounting purposes, its significance and the order of development on the example of LLC YugSoft of the city of Stavropol”).

Third Degree Diploma: Svetlana Nezhenets (subject of work: “Accounting for materials in warehouses and in accounting based on the example of SFC“Raduga” in Labinsk”);

Third Degree Diploma: Svetlana Trukhacheva (subject of work: “Accounting of settlements with buyers and customers on the example of Stavropol LLC YugSoft”).

Дата новости для фото:  18.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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