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On the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University, an open regional competition of intelligence, sports and creativity “Krasa Art-Profi 2019” was held


On March 18 and 19, Stavropol State Agrarian University opened its doors for female students of professional educational organizations. The competition “Krasa Art-Profi 2019” was attended by 18 girls from different parts of the Stavropol Territory.

On the first day, the honorary guests welcomed the congress participants: Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, Head of the Centre for Aesthetic Education of Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University - Ivan Vyacheslavovich Maklakov, Chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organization of Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Chairman of the UOMD Association of Students and Student Associations of Russia ”in the Stavropol Territory - Nikolai Petrovich Golovin.

The first test for the participants was the competition “Discourse on the topic”. The performances of the girls were evaluated by members of the competent jury: Ilya Vladimirovich Yurchishin, first secretary of the Russian Union of Youth, deputy secretary of physical culture and sports, Ilya Vladimirovich Yurchishin, first secretary of the Stavropol regional public organization, Nikolay Petrovich Golovin, head of the students’ university professional union, Ivan Vyacheslavovich Maklakov and executive director of the competition - Irina Karagodina.

The competition was held in the format of a dialogue, where each participant told about herself, her profession, hobbies and plans for the future. Also, the contestants answered the questions of the jury.

During the first day, the girls managed to go on a tour of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, rehearse and show their creative performances, and begin a thorough preparation for the defile for the final show-concert of the competition.

And already on March 19, the long-awaited final of the regional contest “Krasa Art-Profi 2019” took place in the Regional Center for the Development of the Creativity of Children and Youth named after Yu.A. Gagarin.

Contestants competed for competitions: “Student Style”, “Defile in Evening Dresses” and “Creative Competition”.

The honour of wearing the title “Miss Krasa Art-Profi 2019” went to Christina Chernova, who presented the Stavropol Olympic Reserve School.

1 Vice Miss Krasa Art-Profi 2019 became Yana Zhirova from the Academic Multidisciplinary College, and 2 Vice Miss Krasa Art-Profi 2019 became Anna Fugol, representing the Pyatigorsk Technical College of Economics and Innovative Technologies.

“Miss RSM Krasa Art Profi 2019”- Anastasia Panchenko from Novotroitsk Agricultural College;

“Miss ASO Krasa Art-Profi 2019” - Alina Butova, Stavropol Communication College named named after V.А. Petrova.

The competition “Krasa Art-Profi 2019” was held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory, the Stavropol Regional Public Organization Russian Union of Youth, the Association of Students and Student Associations of Russia in the Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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