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KASKO therapy for students of Accounting and Financial Faculty


Representatives of the Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company branch in the Stavropol Territory together with the Finance, Credit and Insurance Department of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University organized and conducted a binary lecture on the topic: “KASKO therapy. Full immersion in the product”.

Leading business coaches of the branch of PJSC IC “Rosgosstrakh” in the Stavropol Territory Samakayeva Adelya Barievna and Svidina Marina Evgenevna addressed students of 1, 3, 4 years of study of the “Economics” training program, the profile “Finance and Credit”, and 2 and 4 years of study of the specialty “Economic Security”. They didn’t only speak about the situation and the development of the auto insurance market in Russia and the peculiarities of working in this industry as the largest insurer, but also dwelt on the possibilities and benefits of OSAGO and KASKO insurance for individuals.

What problems with auto insurance today exist, what and from what it protects, what the cost of the policy depends on - this was a conversation in the course of a binary lecture.

The event did not go without intellectual contests. Representatives of the insurance company conducted an exciting mini-quiz for students, during which the most attentive and erudite students were identified, who were awarded Rosgosstrakh souvenirs:

Irina Brynza – 4th year student of “Economics” training program, profile “Finance and credit”;

Elena Lebedeva – 4th year student of “Economics” training program, profile “Finance and credit”;

Sapunova Maria – 4th year student of the specialty “Economic Security”;

Eremin Maxim – 1st year student of “Economics” training program, profile “Finance and credit”;

Chervanskaya Anastasia – 1st year student of “Economics” training program, profile “Finance and Credit”.

The topic of the lecture caused a lively interest and many questions. The audience thanked the business coaches.

Conducting such events can enhance the practical orientation of the educational process. The experience of interacting with invited specialists turned out to be very interesting and productive; the idea will definitely get a further embodiment for students to get acquainted with real successful people working in the profession.

Дата новости для фото:  21.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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