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Stavropol State Agrarian University has become a platform for the first regional forum of student and youth associations in the field of volunteering “So-edinenie”


The forum brought together 144 participants, among which are both beginners and experienced volunteers who work as part of student volunteer associations in the Stavropol Territory.

At the plenary meeting, the volunteers were greeted by the head of the youth policy department of the government of the Stavropol Territory, Yegor Basovich. The purpose of the first regional forum of student and youth volunteer associations was to develop a common strategy for the development of volunteering.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was chosen as a venue for the event; today, the University has the largest volunteer movement.

The forum participants were to visit several thematic zones, the priority of which was to discuss the development of volunteering in the region in the coming years. A large number of good and useful ideas affecting various spheres of public life were heard during the project session of the event, and the work of the workshops in the areas helped the volunteers to learn about new opportunities in the work of individual areas.

An important outcome of the forum was the creation of a council of leaders of student associations in the field of volunteering. In the future, the work of the council will allow young people to closely cooperate on the implementation of volunteer projects and to establish joint work between the teams. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  8

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