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Сompetition of report presentations for students of the 1st year of the Department of Technology Management


In order to form the competencies of the main professional educational program among first-year students consistantly, within the disciplines "Terminological foundations of professional communications", "History of Livestock", "Zooculture", a competition of presentations was held.

The organizers were the teachers of the faculty: Professor Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova, Associate Professor Evgeny Ivanovich Rastovarov, Assistant Natalia Aleksandrovna Agarkova. Students made presentations on the topic: "Demonstration of generalized professional information."

The tasks of the competition are the stimulation of creative activity and the activation of the cognitive interest of the participants; improving information technology skills; creating conditions for the disclosure of students' personal and creative potential.

The competent jury were: Head of the Chiar of Private Zootechny and Animal Breeding, Associate Professor Chernobay E.N., graduate students Barsukova M.G. and Gorbachev A.A., second-year student A.S. Gridasov.

Evaluation criteria are as follows: compliance with formal requirements (structure, logic nature, consistency); practical signification and attraction of information; using Power Point possibilities at working with information; maintaining the presentation with a report in a laconic and simple style.

The categories of the competition: "Best presentation 2019” of E. Tkachev, “Best Report 2019” of I. Shepherd and A. Gnilomedov, “Passion for the 2019 Theme” of Negro E. All participants received diplomas. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  13

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