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Excursion to the Museum of the History of Internal Affairs Organs of the Stavropol Territory for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University


After reconstruction, the museum was transformed. An excursion for the students was conducted by the guide, the Head of the Exposition of the Control Center of the State Administration of the Ministry of Russian Internal Affairs for the Stavropol Territory, Major of the Internal Service Terpogosova Anzhela Anatolyevna.

The 4th year students of the “Economic Security” direction visited the museum as part of the study of the discipline “Financial fraud”. The group was accompanied by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Chair of Financial Management and Banking Taranova Irina Viktorovna.

The collection of the museum has been replenished with exhibits of uniforms and service certificates and documents, photographs, more than 60 weapons, examples of special equipment and even a layout of an expert criminalistics laboratory. Some of them are from the Great Patriotic War.

There are unique exhibits, such as bast shoes of the twenties - when they were given out as casual shoes, due to a lack of uniforms or a wedding crown, rescued by fighters from the Stavropol Special Police Force from the destroyed Orthodox church in Grozny. There is a sample of the form and layout of the booth of a policeman in Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Separate expositions of the departmental museum are devoted to hostilities in Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic. Personal belongings of employees who died in the line of duty, their uniforms and weapons are stored here. But the special pride of the museum is the Red Banner, which was presented to the police officers of the Alexander Department in 1930. The museum holds awards which were

won by employees of the Stavropol police at competitions and letters of thanks to the regional chief directorate.

During the consideration of this topic, students acquired competencies in the area of compliance with the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Angela Anatolyevna summed up the conversation and answered the questions of interest, the students thanked her for the informative presentation. The acquired knowledge will be able to consolidate and expand the theoretical and practical skills of the future profession. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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