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In Stavropol State Agrarian University, an agrarian hackathon was held for the first time during the project week


Within the framework of the project week, in accordance with the Transformation Program of the University Center for Innovation and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory in 2017-2019, the first agricultural hackathon took place on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the direction of the FoodNet concept “Personalized Nutrition Market” with students.

The hackathon was held with the support of the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Opening remarks at the event opening were made by:

Vice-Rector of Educational and Morale Building Work, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov,

Dean of the Social and Cultural Services and Tourism Department, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Ivan Ivanovich Ryazantsev,

Head of the Project Office, Professor of the Chair of Accounting Management, Doctor of Economics Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev.

The main purpose of the competition was to create publicly available socially significant and innovative applications and services for the digitalization of agriculture in the Stavropol Territory. As part of the Transformation Program of Stavropol State Agrarian University, in the University Center for Innovation and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory for 2017 - 2019, there is an encouragement for university students to create developments that are important for the development of research and innovation. The first agricultural hackathon was held in the format of “mini-picton” within one working day from 9 to 18:00. The contestants were the best young scientists and students aged 18 to 35 years, who in the form of the draw were divided and formed into mixed teams. Each of them received a unique task within the framework of the designated general theme of the hakakton: “Personalized Nutrition Market”.

1) Creation of a virtual trading platform for the personalized nutrition market (for producers of agricultural products, for consumers and specialists and consultants in the field of healthy nutrition).

2) Creation of a virtual free access platform for operators of the logistics sector of the personalized power market.

3) Creation of a virtual platform for access of specialists and experts in the field of healthy nutrition.

4) Creation of a virtual platform for access by laboratories conducting research to identify the need to switch to an individual diet.

5) Creation of a virtual trading platform for the production sector of the personalized nutrition market with agrochemicals and veterinary preparations of biological origin.

The competition is held to solve the following tasks:

- popularization of information and communication technologies among the younger generation;

- formation of highly qualified personnel;

- improving the quality of life of citizens through the active implementation of innovative solutions in the field of information technology;

- identification and support of talented youth of the Stavropol Territory.

The competition was organized by:

1. Sklyarov Sergey Pavlovich - the Head of the Department of Research and Advanced Development and Technology Transfer of the Scientific Innovation Center, Associate Professor of the Сhair of Parasitology and Veterinary Expertise, Anatomy and Patanatomy named by Professor S.N. Nikolsky, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences;

2. Rusanovsky Evgeny Valerievich - Associate Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory and Economics of Agro-Industrial Complex, Candidate of Economic Sciences;

3. Tenischev Alexander Vladimirovich - Associate Professor of the Chair of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, Candidate of Economic Sciences;

4. Kenina Diana Sergeevna - Leading Specialist of the Project Office, Associate Professor of the Chair of Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

The jury of the first agricultural hakaton in the direction of the FoodNet concept “Personalized Nutrition Market”:

1. Bobryshev Alexey Nikolaevich - Head of the Project Office, Professor of the Chair of Accounting Management, Doctor of Economics;

2. Shlykov Sergey Nikolaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Production Technology and Agricultural Products Processing;

3. Sosyura Elena Alekseevna - Associate Professor of the Chair of Production and Processing of Food Products from vegetable raw materials, Candidate of Technical Sciences;

4. Sidelnikov Dmitry Alekseevich - Senior Lecturer of the Chair "Machines and Technologies of the Agro-Industrial Complex", Candidate of Technical Sciences.

5. Levushkina Svetlana Vladimirovna - Head of the Chair of Project Management, PhD in Law.

6. Radishauskas Tatyana Aleksandrovna - Assistant of the Department of Tourism and Service.

The competitive commission estimated performance of tasks by the following criteria:

• Technological complexity of the project;

• Degree of study;

• Quality of the presentation;

• Relevance;

• Originality;

• Business model.

During the difficult, hard work, 5 ready-made projects were presented in the direction of the FoodNet concept “Personalized Nutrition Market”. All the guys worked very enthusiastically and each of the projects was well prepared and presented, but still only one could be the winner and the project was the best:

“Creation of a virtual trading platform for providing the production sector of the personalized nutrition market with agrochemicals and veterinary preparations of biological origin”.


· Edakayev Azamat Ruslanovich - the Department of Electric Power

· Portnov Alexander Alexandrovich - the Departments of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture

· Goroleva Tatyana Aleksandrovna - the Departments of Technological Management and Veterinary Medicine

· Shvetsov Vitaly Vladimirovich - the Department of Agricultural Mechanization

· Sheveleva Maria Sergeevna - the Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism

· Tsakulov Dmitry Olegovich - Accounting and Finance department

· Nikita Kondratenko - the Department of Economics.

The winners were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. All participants of the hackathon were awarded with certificates.We thank all talented guys for their active participation and interesting projects! There are plans to hold 4 more hakatons involving participants from the Stavropol Territory and other regions. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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